You’ve probably heard the proverb “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” This saying was first recorded in Wales during the 1860’s with the original wording “Eat an apple on going to bed, and you’ll keep the doctor from earning his bread.” Clearly apples have been recognized as a health food for a very long time, and for good reason.
Apples are one of the most cultivated and consumed fruits on the planet. They are very rich in antioxidants, flavonoids and dietary fiber, which elevates the humble apple to the rank of bonafide superfood. Studies suggest that apples may help reduce the risk of developing medical conditions like cancer, hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and more.
Here is a snapshot of the nutrition packed into each apple:
The best way to keep apples’ nutrition intact is to eat them raw since cooking can result in the loss of certain nutrients. Having said that, cooked apples are still a very wholesome food that can contribute to maintaining good overall health. For the best nutritional bang for your buck when cooking with apples, try to avoid using refined sugar and opt for whole-wheat substitutes where possible. Keep fats to a minimum and banish hydrogenated oils completely. Add extra nutrition by combining apples, cooked or raw, with other fruits, vegetables, pulses and grains.