Kiwi fruit skin: is it edible?
Kiwi fruit skin is actually completely edible! Find out more about the benefits and how you’d rather eat the skin of a kiwi.
Why should you eat kiwi skin?
Like most of kiwi lovers, you might be used to peel and cut kiwi fruits before eating. Did you know that the furry skin could have benefits and that it is worth trying?
The skin of a kiwi is actually a great source of nutrients, minerals and especially fiber (Vitamins A, C and E). It means that consumption of kiwi fruits – with the skin – would provide even more benefits if you eat the whole fruit! The skin also contains flavonoids, plant molecules which have anti-allergy, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. It would be a shame not to try!
How should you eat the skin of a kiwi?
Obviously, at first, the fuzzy and hairy texture is not very appealing… Eating the skin can be unpleasant for some people. You should give it a try to enjoy the major benefits! You can definitely eat your kiwi whole, just like an apple. The fuzz can be partially removed by rubbing the fruit with a towel. It can also be scrubbed with a vegetable brush. Of course, as any other fruit, do not forget to wash it first and try to choose an organic kiwi fruit if possible.
If you really don’t feel like trying it with the skin, toss the kiwi into a blender with some other fruits and try a new morning smoothie routine! The texture will no longer be a problem to enjoy the benefits of kiwi skin.