Rubin Fruits more than on Fruit Market

Rubin Fruits believes that, as a responsible organization, we must ensure that the goods we source are produced in a sustainable way from an environmental and social perspective.

Rubin Fruits believes that we have a moral obligation to ensure that the way in which we source our products does not impact negatively on either the environment or the individuals who produce these goods. We likewise have a responsibility to uphold our reputation and the value of our brand. We have made a commitment to manage our Environmental and Social impacts through the implementation of our Environmental and Ethical Trading Policies.

Rubin Fruits is committed to ensuring that all of our supply chain stakeholders, regardless of where they live or work, are treated with respect and dignity and are able to live in an environment undamaged as a result of production. In basic terms we are aiming to encourage “Sustainable Development”, we want also to ensure that those with whom we trade are similarly committed to these principles.

In developing this policy, we recognize that as a commercial entity, we may have a limited sphere of influence in matters of human or labour rights and we have focused on international best practice and compliance with International Labour Organization (ILO) requirements.

Rubin Fruits recognizes people as its key resource and the safety, health and welfare of our employees, customers, members of the public and suppliers and contractors is central to our values.

Rubin Fruits expects that people working for our suppliers will be treated fairly and with respect and we require that the national laws and regulations of the country of employment are observed, but, as a minimum, that international human rights and labour law is applied.

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