Rubin Fruits more than on Fruit Market
Rubin Fruits markets fruit around the globe, with logistical efficiency developed over decades of activity. With an extensive network of associated producers, the use of cutting-edge cold stores that store the fruit perfectly over time and its international trading, Rubin Fruits is able to assure annual coverage with its products, fully meeting the needs of its large-scale retail customers and all distribution markets.
Rubin Fruits sells with its own brand and with private labels, assuring continuity of unique, top-quality fruit supplies over time.
At Rubin Fruits, we combine our commitment to quality with our passion for freshness by integrating the most advanced technologies in packaging, exporting, food safety, and e-commerce. This dedication results in our customers’ access to the best available produce in the industry. Rubin Fruits is set apart from competitors because we are devoted to innovation, family values, sustainability, and unrivaled quality and freshness. Our commitment to excellence—combined with our associations with some of the finest growers in the industry keeps our customers coming back year after year.
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